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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Democracy going to the Dogs ?

Hi All, I have not Written in a long while but here it goes,

There has been a lot of talk about Anna Hazare's Lok Pal movement and how that will help Indian's use the Democratic process better. But we keep forgetting the Big picture, Whatever is wrong with India is due to the Ministers WE ELECTED, with or without Participation. So what are you all complaining about.

I am a big fan of Democracy and let me tell you What Anna Hazare is trying to become is the person, That 41 years ago help "LIBERATE" Libya from an "EVIL" leader and his name is GADDAFI. That's why its very important to follow DUE DEMOCRATIC process, it's not the perfect system but the fairest.Anna Hazare is not a democratically Elected leader and he should not be talking decisions for the rest of us, unless he wins an election. The lokpal bill is not a Democratically selected bill.

Yes it seems like we need a revolution to get out of this mess India is in but who are the leaders of the Revolution be ??? Rahul Gandhi ? Milind Deora ? or some other old Hack ?? The problem with the Indian middle-class (I am one of them) is that WE DONT VOTE, and why is that because we are too busy staring at the TV or "WORKING".

The Population that votes gets what they want,

  • The 27% below poverty line people always vote , what do they get - Alcohol, Money, Houses/Slums, Electricity for their Slum, Ration cards etc,
  • The Rich people vote they get publicity because they are "helping" the nation chose leaders
  • the Farmers vote and get Free electricity, Farm subsidies, No Income tax etc
  • What does the Middle Class get for not Voting ?? Higher Taxes, Corruption, No Development, Joblessness, Lower Standard of living, Inflation and big MIDDLE FINGER,

And the Middle Class Deserves it, If you think talking to your Friends and bitching at NDTV about how corruption is killing India is voting then you are wrong, If we really want change Why dont we go out and do the simplest thing in the world, Stand in line and vote.

Also if your name is not on the voter list, dont be relieved go to the office and make sure you have it on there. The Government knows the Middle Class is like the GUY/GIRL WHO GOT RAPED SO MANY TIMES HE/SHE ENJOYS IT or Doesn't EVEN CARE about IT ANYMORE and that's why they want to put the smallest obstacle in your way and know that you will not follow through and fix it so that you can use your right to vote

A few years ago a report said Bombay alone was contributing for 40% of the Income-tax revencue for the whole country, It was 2% of the population then, and i'm sure Bombay's voting rate would've been less than 50% and the middle class voting rates would've been less than 25%, So 75% of Bombay's middle class are not part of the discussion when it comes to big picture issues. So who's responsible?

We have to realize that Democracy is a Duty not a right, and if we keep failing at it we are giving rise to Anarchy, Ask the People of Afganistan or some african countries and see how fortunate we are to be able to elect a representative, But we don't value it, This Government- Middleclass relationship is an abusive one because the "Middle-class is the Wife who cooks the food and then goes and earns money to support her Drunk husband, But the Husband is busy using that money to sleep with Whores and know all that she still sits there and cries, Doing nothing" if the middle class doesnt want to be jerked around like this it has to rise up and do the fundamental Duty and vote for the person they choose.

"56% of the Indian Populace is Middle Class" - you know with 10% more votes in the same direction and you will get what you want, the leaders you want, the issues that affect you will be looked at, you will be part of the debate.

I think it's necessary to clean your own house before blaming the BMC for not picking up the trash at your doorstep

And After that long rant, HAPPY "INDEPENDENCE" DAY

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