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Monday, March 10, 2008

University Criticism Beta 2.0

This just in,

I got this hot bit of insider news:

"The papers we write with all the hard work and dedication(we means everyone - me in this case) are not being checked with sincerity"

This papers are being checked by some people who are not even teachers of the subject they are checking and not just that they are not even related to the field.

Imagine an Economics teacher checking your Board paper for Finance :-(

I think the teachers are not ready to check wat they have taught their students
or they are too scared to accept the fact that they are not good enough
or The university doesn't really give a shit for our future.

With my board papers on the helm i thought i should bring this to the notice of my fellow students and also the teachers if they would ever care to read this.

Neways try your best and i hope the best comes to you( I hope that 4 myself the most)

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