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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hurray to the Spirit of Bombay

Some Days Back I was on the bus (how "seldom" do i say that), i was about to get off at my bus stop when i saw a man run for the bus i was on, the bus stop was 500m from the place the man was running from, so he was gonna catch the bus while it got slow b4 the stop, but the bus was at full speed and u know the bus drivers the get some sadistic fun from making you run harder and faster for "their" buses for which we pay tax.

But when i got off the stop the man just got to the bus and then i thought it is a victory of the human spirit (philosophical but true)

how many times in bombay have you seen this kind of spirit among people, i see this every minute, eg who can forget the site of 1500-2000 ppl in the space of 200 in the 2nd class virar local compartment and ppl have accepted that way of life and are helping other ppl accept it too.

Every minute is a struggle to survive in this gr8 city created by god to test the limits of human persevearence. The lines or Q's as we call them everywhere, the dirty roads, ppl with bad body odour and breath, but do v seem to mind (ya!!!) but we;ve taken all of that and moved on. People come into the city by thousands each day but the city like a mother and the ppl like her kids accept the outsiders with a pinch of salt, ppl come here to become film stars (u crazy biharis), businessmen, fruit stall owners(thats wat the wannabe film stars end up becoming), gangsters, or rich(they r illiterate so its their main aim), but v accept them in watever size, shape, look or smell(most vital) they come in

so sallaam bombay oooooopsssss..... Mumbai.


myplanetmyrules said...

very true dude mumbai is all about going with the flow of things and accepting them as they come

Anonymous said...

nice 2 c tat u also blog
luv sonu