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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Elected Exploitation

How often do you hear people blaming the British Raj for the state of our country? The answer “all the time”.

We must remember that the British Raj came to India and exploited us but they were not elected by us but rather imposed. But what about the so called Democratic ways we elected the leader of the nation, they are elected by us and still they exploit. Thus I justify my title “Elected Exploitation”.

But if we shun our cynicism for the British Raj in India we would perhaps see that it not just the British Raj that has lead India to the path of misery and destruction but also the Politicians.

Yes you heard me right, “the same person who wears a Khadi Kurta and promises you a lot of things in return for your votes which never happen” it will not be surprise that I would see people agreeing to this point.

The British Raj has been blamed of exploiting our country but take a look at the brighter side and maybe you will notice that they gave us some things that we have not got from our Politicians or “Neta” as we know them. The British gave us a Railway, Education, Telegraph And Post Systems(i know they gave it to us @ a very heavy price). On the Architectural front they gave us all these great monuments which we proudly show to the foreigners who come to our country(i know they gave all dat to us @ a very heavy price).

On the other hand our politicians have also given us many things Poverty, Illiteracy, Under utilization of resources, Unemployment, the great Democratic Meltdown and how could I forget the greatest tactic of Communal Politics.

By the sheer number of words the Politician wins means but by the meaning of those words it for you to Judge who wins in this race of better services. It is not a case of who provided better service but it is a case of who exploited us less and under what circumstances.

The point I’m trying to make is that why don’t we try to understand that electing a leader is our right and not just a formality. And I know people say it is a choice who is relatively the least evil of them all but why don’t we do something about and enter the so called gutter of Politics and try to change the system.

It depends on what the youth consider important their country or their own future. It is high time that the youth tried to change something for the better of the country for once.

The fact that I’m saying is to try to awaken our generation and would like the youth to take this article in the most positive way. I hope this makes a difference in the way we think

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