“Man, I hate India, this country does not have anything except poverty and corruption” this is one of the most common conversations among the youth of our country and especially Mumbai.
The fundamental problem of this kind of attitude of the youth that we consider our country to match the USA or UK. Every Indian has a tendency to ape the western and more developed world. Why don’t we try understand our country’s situation, Firstly India attained “Independence” only 58 years ago and the USA got it 228 years ago the difference a whopping 170 years. Technically we are 170 years behind the USA only in terms of independence and further the Indian Resources and Manpower exploited by the British Empire in the 150 odd years of rule over our country.
But in reality the situation is not so grave. We are a progressive country and by the calculations of the major economists and financial experts India will become the 3rd largest economy in the world by the year 2033. The reason we like to ridicule and humiliate our country is that we compare ourselves to the western and developed countries.
This comparison by my reckoning is totally unfair. Staying with independence India got independence at about the same time as many African and east Asian nations the comparisons and yardsticks that need to be set must be with these countries but for some unknown reason the youth and even the lay man like to compare India to the USA and other developed countries.
The youth itself is irresponsible we study in this country and go and work or should I say it “serve” the American economy. We are one of the biggest losers of brains in the world.
Students study at IIMs and IITs and then go to the western countries only in search of money, money and more money.
If Facilities is what we want to speak about India is far ahead of these African countries. Talk about roads, medicine, sanitation, education or welfare activities we are pretty well developed.
The youth criticize the government employees of corruption. But what do you do if your caught disobeying a signal you take the easy way out and bribe the traffic cop. For once, why doesn’t the youth stand up for what it says and “believes” in?.
So to conclude I could like to say “A nation is never poor, it is made poor by the low and cynical thinking of it’s people”
So guys change ur attitude and change the country
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