Two days ago one of my favourite actors was sentenced to 6 years RI in a Possession of arms case.
The actor is Sanjay "Munnabhai MBBS" Dutt.
He has been an epitome of good living and social work for the past couple of years, But does this nullify the effects of his stupid acts in the past.
Flashback 1993-
Sanjay dutt gives his garage to the boys from Chotta Shakeel's gang and let them install a bomb in the trunk of a Maruti 800 so that Sanjay dutt can get his hands on the illegally imported(read: smugulled) AK 56 .
31st August 2007 - Sanjay Dutt sentenced to 6 years RI in a TADA case for possession of Arms and Supporting terrorist activities.
I know it is hard to digest that our our Munnabhai can be sentenced so harshly but give it a thought:
Sanjay Dutt helped in massacaring thousands of people just so that he can get his hands on an illegal rich boy's toy an AK56 Assault rifle. Sanjay dutt is not an ordinary man He is the son of Sunil DUtt and Nargis dutt arguably one of the best actors of their time and Sunil dutt also being an MP for many years with a very clean image.
It is the duty of every citizen of a country to protect his country's citizens and also prevent any harm to them. So Sanjay dutt with his extra ordinary resume shud've been the 1st person to say so to the right authorities but he didn't cuz he wanted his toy.
SO for a toy Sanjay Dutt watched the lives of 1000's of ppl just vanish in front of his eyes and saw the city of Mumbai cry, bleed and collapse but did he ever come in the light and face it, NO is the the sorry answer.
I really admire sanjay dutt but i think he deserves it more than the others b'cuz he cheated a nation, which trusted him with all its faith, for a very selfish motive i.e. A TOY which he cant even use openly.
So sorry Munnabhai But u deserve it and May you come out a changed man and regret wat you had done to this Gr8 city and to its ppl on that day of 12th March 1993